I am pleased to announce a new commission for a series of films in response to the Grant Museum of Zoology exhibition Displays of Power: A Natural History of Empire (19 September 2019 –7 March 2020). The films will be presented as part of the exhibition and disseminated online to the wider the world.
The films will be made in collaboration with artist Sarah Fortais, art historian Alice Procter and poet Yomi Sode. The films are commissioned by UCL Culture.
This new exhibition considers the particular place of the university’s zoology collections in the context of Empire.
Curated by the Zoology and Science Collections team at UCL Culture, Displays of Power gives visitors the chance to learn about the colonial contexts in which the Grant Museum of Zoology and UCL were founded and think critically about natural history museums more broadly. What does this history mean for how we see and study the natural world? What lessons do we need to keep in mind for the future?