Masters/ Graduate Course, Lesvos 28 July – 11 August 2019.
I am pleased to be invited by the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Agder(Kristiansand, Norway) as a mentor/ supervisor to the Master’s course Arts-based Ethnography taking place in Lesvos (Greece) between 128 July to 11 August 2019.
The Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Agder, Norway, offers a Master’s (graduate) course in Arts-based Ethnography, inviting students from music, visual and performance arts, anthropology, sociology and related fields. The practical part of this course will take place in the Greek island of Lesvos from 28 July to 11 August 2019. The ‘home base’ will be UiA’s Metochi Study Centre, encouraging participant projects that may approach different sites, institutions or networks from a starting point in the local community of Kalloni.
Other mentors/ facilitators include:
– Jennie Gubner, Indiana University Bloomington, US (music & film ethnography)
– Panayotis Panopoulos (Anthropologist & artist, University of the Aegean, Lesvos)
– Tormod W. Anundsen, University of Agder (connections between ethnographic & artistic research)
For more details and to apply, see the course application page and you can see the resulting work and exhibition from 2018 here.